Wedding Woes

More FMIL stuff...

So I think this woman truly is crazy, I mean like delussional crazy...

So the day AFTER she called screaming at me, FI's dad called the house to wish my daughter a Happy Birthday. We also got a cared in the mail for her with a $25 gift card signed 'Grammy and Grandpa' ok this was sent PRIOR to us telling them we were engaged...

His dad tells me congrats and then his mom gets on the phone and starts talking about how excited they are... What? I know I should be happy but I'm really confused, is this woman serious? Does she not remember screaming at me? No apology either

Then I get an e-mail message with a list of things I need to do and how great it is we're getting married closer to her family(who lives in Buffalo, my fam is in Cleveland and that's where we're doing the wedding). Not even 40 minutes later she sends another e-mail telling me that I'm crazy to think everything will be great and how I'll never be part of her family... WTH?!
Crazy.... maybe she really DOES have multiple personality disorder

Re: More FMIL stuff...

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    swtasaswtasa member
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    edited December 2011
    So I think this woman truly is crazy, I mean like delussional crazy...

    So the day AFTER she called screaming at me, FI's dad called the house to wish my daughter a Happy Birthday. We also got a cared in the mail for her with a $25 gift card signed 'Grammy and Grandpa' ok this was sent PRIOR to us telling them we were engaged...

    His dad tells me congrats and then his mom gets on the phone and starts talking about how excited they are... What? I know I should be happy but I'm really confused, is this woman serious? Does she not remember screaming at me? No apology either

    Then I get an e-mail message with a list of things I need to do and how great it is we're getting married closer to her family(who lives in Buffalo, my fam is in Cleveland and that's where we're doing the wedding). Not even 40 minutes later she sends another e-mail telling me that I'm crazy to think everything will be great and how I'll never be part of her family... WTH?!
    Crazy.... maybe she really DOES have multiple personality disorder
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    HinajHinaj member
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    edited December 2011
    What is Wrong with this woman???  I would say keep minimal contact as possible and keep your FI updated on this.  It sounds more like she maybe biopolar or something.  One minute she is nice and another she goes off on you.  I don't even think you can have a rational conversation with her to talk it out.
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    Butter CookieButter Cookie member
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    edited December 2011
    The woman is nuts. Stop accepting emails from her.
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    edited December 2011
    Does your FI know about the first phone call yet?  It definitely sounds like something is going on.  Does she have a medical problem or addiction that you know of? 

    Let your FI handle her, and change your email, or block hers.  Problem solved.
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    edited December 2011
    Maybe she was being nice to you because her husband was there when they made the second phone call. He probably didn't know about the nasty phone call. Keep you fi informed of any communications you have with her. She is either sneaky or mentally ill. Keep your contact with her to a minimum.  Good luck!
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    Manda724Manda724 member
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    edited December 2011
    well i don't think she is nuts... or crazy... i really feel that she is my FMIL (if she was alive, i mean). She was like that to my FSIl. Just don't take it to heart and let your FI handle it. Remember right now its still his family.
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    edited December 2011
    Just like my FMIL, but she pulls all this crazy shiit with my fiance.  So annoying!
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