Wedding Woes

Where should the ceremony take place?

My fiance and I live in the same city as my family; it's a larger city and 2.5 hours away from his family who live in a small town.  My family is paying for all of the traditional aspects of the wedding (ceremony, reception, etc).  My fiance's mother is insisting that we have the wedding in their small town because they have a much larger family than mine.  Looking at guest lists, it does look like they will have more people than my family would, which would require them to travel down to where we are.  My fiance and I have thought about meeting half way where there is another larger city, however it seems as if everything we're finding there is expensive as well.  Since my family is paying for the wedding (and on a limited budget) my thoughts are that we should have the wedding where my fiance, my family, and I live. It's really putting a lot of stress on my family, my fiance, and I; any suggestions?  
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