Wedding Woes


1.  Sis's BFF's baby has been dx'd with Infantile Spasms.  Don't google it, as the informaiton online about is really scary.  They caught it super early and her prognosis is excellent, but she has to go through intensive treatment for the next 2 mos.  Sis's BFF is likely going to take LOA from her job as her DD goes through treatment.  I'm definitely going to have my fingers crossed for the next 2 months that everything goes as it should.

2. DefConn not only steals snacks from kids at daycare when they're not paying attention, he also hides his sippy cup in my sitter's laundry basket so none of the other kids can find it.  When my sitter asks hiim to get his cup, he prompty retrieves it from its hiding place.  Also, he had a debate with a little girl yesterday over who had more craockers.  This kid is too smart for my own good.

3. DH has two vacation days left for this year, which is unexpected.  I think he's going to take the day after Christmas off and we're both going to take the day after our anniversary (a Monday) off.  We may get to go see a movie together in the theater for the first time in 2+ years.  I think the last movie we saw was "The Town" and I was still in my 1st tri with DefConn.

4. DH is likely having surgery early next year due to bone spurs on his foot/ankle.  I really hope we make it through his 12 week leave with no deaths considering I work from home and it's our busy (read: mandatory OT) season.

5.  I'm going to my first Halloween party as an adult and I have no idea what I'm going to do for a costume.  Halloween is not my holiday.

6. I need a haircut and I have no idea what I want to do with my hair.

Re: Things

  • 1. I want to google but don't want to google - can you give a synopsis?

    2. I love it.   Future food hoarder!

    3. Yay!

    4.  Does he have to do it during your super busy time?

    5.  Um - freso jesus face.   Duh.

    6.  Pinterest.   You can look at my hair board.   I'm happy with my cut.  (Check out the Taraji Henson and Dani Minoque cuts - I got a combo of the two.)
  • I'm sorry about the baby, that's rough.
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2012
    1.  It's tiny seizures/spasms that fire off in the brain and can cause developmental issues/disabilites if not treated soon enough.  It's a form of epilepsy, I believe.  All the news via Googling is downright terrible, but they've caught it extremely early and they also live in a place that has excellent hospitals and tons of specialists that have dealt with it, so she's got great odds of being just fine.  The Dr. they're seeing says he's had a 75% success rate.

    4.  HIs busy season starts in March.  He has to do it first thing next year.  We'd do it this year, but we both have slim pickin's left on time off.  Our busy seasons are completely opposite of one another.
  • Aw.  Poor baby.  :(
  • 1. Fingers crossed for the baby.  Sounds like a good thing they caught it early.

    2. hehe. 

    3.Yay for unexpected vacation.

    4. 12 wks recovery?

    5. black pants, black shirt, yellow dotted line down your middle, stuffed animals pinned on.  Jeans, plaid shirt, tool belt (perfect place to hold a drink)

    6. I was going to get a cut a few weeks ago, but it didn't happen.  Now I'm just going to hold off until Tday weekend so it looks good in the hospital.
  • Yeah Infantile Spasms are pretty gruesome. Hopefully treatment will be uber effective at preventing brain damage.
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