Wedding Woes

FH and Bachlor Party

I really want my FH to have some sort of bachlor party but it isn't looking too good. I talked to one of his friends and suggested that they go to WV for the weekend and four wheel since that's something they all love to do. Well, I just found out that he is selling his four wheeler because he needs the money. I understand the situation he's in but I just feel bad for my FH. His uncle, who was going to go, total-lossed his four wheeler by letting someone inexperienced ride it. So, that idea is out the window. I thought about asking his father who is the best man if he could figure something out for him but I don't know if that would be rude or not.

My FH seems a bit bummed that the original idea fell through, so I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

FYI: Trolls will be ignored.

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