
Custom ring...

Anyone know a great place to have a custom ring made to match my e-ring?  Looking for something close to Everett, and hopefully reasonably priced.

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Re: Custom ring...

  • edited December 2011

    do you have a fred meyer jeweler by you? you should check them out..

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • edited December 2011
    My husband does that. (after 3 weeks it still sounds odd for me to call him my husband. lol)

    He has been in the jewelery industry for 10 years. He is a gemstone wholesaler and does custom work. If you're interested, PM me and I can give you his phone number.
    debi & jason 05.01.2010

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  • carrieoz_76carrieoz_76 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Green Lake Jewelry makes custom jewelry.  

    I think that you'll find that the chains don't make custom jewelry - they tend to work from molds that are mass-produced, which keeps their prices down.

    I would call around to your local jewelers (not the chains) to ask about their ability to custom make jewelry, then search for online reviews to see how they do on customer service.
  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011

    My mom works for Kay and if you want someone custom they have people they send it out to, Kay doesn't do it.  So, chains may be able to get it done.  Don't know if its cheaper or more expensive then finding someone yourself.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    dbraulik I think I'll check out greenlake and see what they have to offer.  I may PM you if I don't like what I see.
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