I don't know if you all read my rant & rave today but I am having BM/Bachelorette Party Drama. I never should have tried to help plan my own party. I couldn't help myself; I'm just too controlling, I guess.
Anyway, I've got a couple BMs and other girls who are chipping in for the hotel we are getting that night. Others invited, espcially another BM, are trying to snake their way out of paying anything and enjoy what everyone else paid for, leaving a larger bill for the rest of us.
That aside, I just saw on Facebook that a certain "broke" BM RSVP'd yes to a friend's birthday party that same night at the same time as my party. Pretty pissed off about it. I know she's going cause it will be cheaper to get drunk and have fun that at my party. Now I am really hoping that she doesn't show up to my party at all. She's been drama this whole time. Ugh.....Rant over. Thanks.
For Sale BioUpdated 10/4/10