Wedding Woes

kid funnies and an AW

Wolverine has taken to saying "awwwww, mannnnn" when she drops something. i'm not sure where she picked this up, but it's pretty funny. 

she still calls a clock,  a "c0ck"

when we saw the "lion dance" show last weekend (she loved it, she was staring openmouthed for half and jumping/dancing the rest of the time), and the lion portion ended, she spent the next 10-15 minutes asking where the lions went. it was a mixure of words and sign language - "where yi-ons go?" (*shrug looking around/confused*) (repeat every 1-2 minutes)I finally told her they were sleeping. she accepted that. "yi-ons sleeping. good yi-ons."

she says hello and goodbye to everything - her toys, my gecko, the dogs, the stuffed zebra and towel in my car, the rooster weathervane at daycare, etc.

the AW: Wolverine will be moving up into the "Early Preschool" room at daycare. She'll be 2 in November, so she'll be the youngest kid in the room. With the starting to potty train and her vocabulary/chattiness, I think it will be a really great environment for her. She's usually in that room at pickup (they combine the classes when a lot of the kids have been picked up), so hopefully the transition won't be too tough. 

Re: kid funnies and an AW

  • It's so fun when they start talking.  It gives you a little peak inside their busy brains.
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2012
    Awww...So cute!  Hello and goodbye thing has to be death by cute every time.

    DefConn is definitely talking more and more.  He says, "What's this?", "Woof, woof" (at pictures of dogs or at dogs), "Go Colts!", among a lot of other words and phrases.

    He leans in for closed mouth kisses and says, "MMMMMMMMM!!!" when he's doing it.

    Last night, I got him to wave bye-bye and blow the flushing toilet.  Does he do it at drop-off at daycare?  Hell no.

    18 mos-2 yrs is such a fun time.  They are just too stinking cute.
  • Oh and your videos of her on FB are so fun to watch.  DefConn even watches them with me.  :)
  • Awwwww. We have a wall of pictures of the two.  Every night we pass the pics on our way to bed and she says "night-night babies" and waves.  She has no clue it's her.
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