Wolverine has taken to saying "awwwww, mannnnn" when she drops something. i'm not sure where she picked this up, but it's pretty funny.
she still calls a clock, a "c0ck"
when we saw the "lion dance" show last weekend (she loved it, she was staring openmouthed for half and jumping/dancing the rest of the time), and the lion portion ended, she spent the next 10-15 minutes asking where the lions went. it was a mixure of words and sign language - "where yi-ons go?" (*shrug looking around/confused*) (repeat every 1-2 minutes)I finally told her they were sleeping. she accepted that. "yi-ons sleeping. good yi-ons."
she says hello and goodbye to everything - her toys, my gecko, the dogs, the stuffed zebra and towel in my car, the rooster weathervane at daycare, etc.
the AW: Wolverine will be moving up into the "Early Preschool" room at daycare. She'll be 2 in November, so she'll be the youngest kid in the room. With the starting to potty train and her vocabulary/chattiness, I think it will be a really great environment for her. She's usually in that room at pickup (they combine the classes when a lot of the kids have been picked up), so hopefully the transition won't be too tough.