My fiance and I went yesterday to get out marriage license for our January Wedding. After a review of our personal feelings, discussion with our parents, and review of some messaging boards we opted to both take the same last name in the format: Hisname-Myname. The reason for this being that I need to keep my name for professional reference, we wanted the same last name, this was what sounded better, we are both the lasts of our name on either side of the family for our entire extended family, and we felt this would respect his family more because they were first and if we were to get lazy in the future we would likely drop my name not his.
Well, not only did the women at town hall try to tell us this was illegal, which it isn't in NYS, but when we got home his Dad lost it on us saying we were utterly slapping him in the face with disrespect. He seems to feel that since my last name is last that that is our real last name, and that when we have kids they will only have my last name. While we talked about the change many times prior he seemed to think we were joking, and while he has expressed his dissatisfaction in the past it was a simple "I just don't like it but do what you want" without being harsh. Now he is livid...
I am starting to second guess this decision, and am just in general very frustrated by this because he has become very hurtful since this decision was finalized. Were we wrong in making this choice? Has anyone else made this decision or had similar issues in name choosing?