They're in the mail! This is a photo I took of one of our trial runs near the end ... I found these decent looking paper clips to hold the pocketfold together and to hold the main invite to the pocketfold. But, FIe didn't like them so instead we left the invite unattached and sealed the pocketfold with "gold wax" (aka a glue gun stick with lots of gold glitter in the stick -- lol).

The design of the main invite and directions RSVP is all FIe's doing; all the other stuff is me. I would show the inserts but it's basically 100% stalker information so there's not much point. Maybe after the wedding is over.
The pocketfold's are DIY'd from cardstock thickness poster board. You can also use 12x12 scrapbooking paper to make them. It's not a huge savings so I wouldn't recommend it unless you enjoy DIYing ... just buy them from cardsandpockets or envelopemall or wherever. I will post a howto to our blog at some point, but in the meantime thecheshirekat (former SoCal knottie) has
this great howto in her bio. I really love her site -- it's an AWESOME resource for DIYers.
Let the RSVP stalking begin! So far the only people to reply are FIe's parents :P.

1st year anniversary in Victoria with a killer whale topiary!