I got engaged in Jan. and my fiance and I wanted a long engagment, We just started shopping for venues for a july 2011 wedding and my Dad drops the bomb... He has Cancer. He starts chemotherapy next week and we are devastated! The last thing i want is for him to have to worry about how to pay for a wedding when he may not be able to work at all, and for the two of us to pay for the kind of wedding we were planning on having would result in a great amount of credit card debt, something we refuse to do!!
I dont hate the idea of a small wedding. But my question is... How cheap is it to have a last minute destination wedding with with 14 quests (our family)?
Is it selfish of me to keep planning a wedding, or should i postpone?
Does anyone have any cheap wedding Ideas?
The most important thing is that i get to marry the man of my dreams, that my Dad is able to come to the wedding, and that I can to it on as much of a budget as possible!!! Please someone HELP!!!