

I got engaged in Jan. and my fiance and I wanted a long engagment, We just started shopping for venues for a july 2011 wedding and my Dad drops the bomb... He has Cancer. He starts chemotherapy next week and we are devastated! The last thing i want is for him to have to worry about how to pay for a wedding when he may not be able to work at all, and for the two of us to pay for the kind of wedding we were planning on having would result in a great amount of credit card debt, something we refuse to do!! 

I dont hate the idea of a small wedding. But my question is... How cheap is it to have a last minute destination wedding with with 14 quests (our family)? 

Is it selfish of me to keep planning a wedding, or should i postpone? 

Does anyone have any cheap wedding Ideas? 

The most important thing is that i get to marry the man of my dreams, that my Dad is able to come to the wedding, and that I can to it on as much of a budget as possible!!! Please someone HELP!!!


  • edited December 2011

    I personally would advise a small quick wedding. Have those who are closest to you there. Destination weddings don't scream cheap to me at all.

    There are ton of inexpensive wedding ideas. Just reallyd epends on if you've decided on a DW or a local wedding.

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • carrieoz_76carrieoz_76 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    What about a somewhat nearby destination?  There's the Methow Valley (Sun Mountain Lodge), or the San Juans (there are lots of cute B&Bs that you could probably have the wedding at), or even Leavenworth or the Lake Wenatchee area.
  • apnk2005apnk2005 member
    edited December 2011
    The biggest cost with a DW is probably going to be the travel expenses.  Flights, hotels, food, etc.  In Vegas, for example, you can do a really elegant wedding for less than $1,000, easily, but the travel expenses for 14 people (16, including you and your FI?) will add up real quick.  Will your dad be able to travel if he's getting chemotherapy?

    I remember there's an officiant in Seattle who will do short notice weddings pretty cheap...she offers her home as a ceremony and reception venue, as long as it's less than 40 people or something.  It wasn't that expensive, and now I can't think of her name, but I'm pretty sure she advertises on the Knot, under the Seattle vendors list.

    Another option is to do a courthouse or small church wedding with your family there...you can still get a beautiful dress for pretty cheap, and your FI can get a tux or suit, hire a photographer for a few hours to get pictures of the ceremony and you and your families, and then take your families out to dinner at a fancy restaurant afterwards for the reception.  With less than 20 people, you should be able to get a really nice dinner for not too much (i.e. much less than your standard weddings).
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I ditto pp.  You and your family have to make the decision, but IMO I'd do a small and quick wedding.  It depends on what you mean by destination.  When we were planning a simple wedding in Hawaii w/ family and using a timeshare, I was planning $10,000.   But, you could do like pp suggested and do a local DW for a lot less.  Or a backyard wedding?  Or courthouse or park w/ a small reception at a local restaurant.  We can give you suggestions on places once you decide what you're looking for.

    Also, so sorry about this news.  Its awful .
    BabyFruit Ticker
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