
Donating Wedding Flowers

Hey Ladies,

I thought about this idea last night. I am not sure about taking my wedding flowers with me home after the wedding. I thought about donating them to hospitals or a nursing home. Anyone knows of anyone done this or is a new idea?

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Re: Donating Wedding Flowers

  • edited December 2011
    I don't know anyone personally who's done it (but I don't know many people outside of TK who got married recently) but I have heard of it. I would say go with the nursing home, it will be easier with less regulations and I'm sure the residents would reallyl appreciate it. All you  need to do is find one and then call and speak to someone kind of high up in the management to get approval and arrange it.
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  • ArchelArchel member
    edited December 2011
    Good idea, KST!! I think I might do this (just not with my bouquet!)
    - Rachel

    Married 11/6/10

  • alyssa324alyssa324 member
    edited December 2011
    I am doing it :) I used to work at a dementia care home in puyallup. I will have someone drop off the flowers on sunday. And the activity coordinator that is there now is going to take all my flowers out of the vases and lay them acroos a table for the women or men I guess to make their own flower arrangemnets with their own vases that way I dont lose my aqua mason jars :) Just call your local nursing home. And tell them what you want to do. I am sure they will be more than grateful. They will also be loved more at a home rather a hospital. ANd ditto KST less regulations
  • Alo822Alo822 member
    edited December 2011
    I've helped do this in the past for other weddings, and it's really appreciated by the people who get the flowers! :) 

    Definitely donate to a nursing home... I'm a nurse in a hospital and I know that donating them to a hospital would be more trouble than it's worth (and they would likely go home with staff rather than brightening a sick person's day). 
    Alison & Rob 6.5.10 Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Koolkay83Koolkay83 member
    edited December 2011
    Pretty cool! Thanks for the help KST. FI and I thinks its a pain in butt to take the flowers home and not sure whtat to do with them.
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