
Open Letter Monday.

I don't know what day of the week we've been doing these but this week I'm dubbing today Open Letter Monday.

And go...
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Re: Open Letter Monday.

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Marching Band that has been practicing outside of my bedroom window since 8am,



    She who is tired, overworked, underpaid and gets off work at 7am.
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  • edited December 2011
    haha, usually tuesday but i say that this is good any day of the week.


         I'm pretty excited that you aren't acting like my enemy lately. I'm glad you're finding some where to live. Can't wait to lose more of you. :)

    10lbs lighter bride

    People who haven't rsvp'd,

        I guess i'm just unsure what is so difficult about this process. At this point, especially if you are OOT, you should really know if you are able to make it or not. Please just send back the self addressed, stamped envelope. It would make my life a lot easier.

    impatiently waiting


         I love you. You really are the best and I'm so lucky.

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • edited December 2011
    Dear right wrist,

    If you don't get your act together soon there is going to be another surgery in your future. Please stop your shenanigans, I am too busy to deal with you.

    Thank you,

    Dear FI's work schedule,

    I am not fond of your current work schedule arrangement. Having FI out of town Monday-Friday every week is not fun. Please send FI home at any time, I am so over you, and ready for this phase to be over.

    Impatiently waiting,
    Homesick wifey to be
    My Planning Bio image
    176 invited image 92 Joinin in image 56 Missin out image 29 Slackers image RSVP Date: August 27th
  • jennuinnejennuinne member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    -Dear FI:

         I love you, but you are driving me nuts w/ not getting addresses, giving me last names over the phone and repeating the spelling numerous times when I can't understand you, and then waiting until I print them all and attach labels to envelopes to tell me names are misspelled

    Sick of Invites.

    -Dear body:

         Please start getting smaller faster and giving me the engery to work out during the week.

    Nervous and tired bride-to-be.

    -Dear weather:

         Please realize its spring and be sunny, for more than one day in a row.  My headaches and allergies cannot take anymore of this rapid weather changing.  And its very annoying to put on a sweater in the morning b/c its cold and rainy and then get to work and be sweaty b/c its warm and sunny.

    Needing some regular sunshine.

    -Dear bank account:

         Please grow, or at least stop shrinking.  I have a wedding to pay for!

    Penniless in Seattle
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • mgoss228mgoss228 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Dear Conan's tiny puppy bowels:

    Please stop being so sensitive.  And let the homemade doggie food we are making settle you down once and for all!

    - Person who is sick of picking up extra icky poo

    Dear RD,

    Stop being a bizznatch, and plan yourself!  And please let a perfect RD venue pop out of thin air....

    Thanks, a stumped Bride-to-be
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
    Photo courtesy of jennygg.com
    My never updated Planning/Married Bio: http://mgoss228.weebly.com/
    Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
  • edited December 2011
    Dear MIL's BF,
    please stop being so creepy...awkward silence followed by weird statements by the fridge make me uncomfortable... only 100 days until we are out of this house.... keep the creepers to yourself until then...thank you!
    -weirded out and hididng in the bedroom.

    Dear Body:
    i'm beating your butt in training and depriving you of jelly beans and diet coke....why wont you shrink!

    Dear FI,
    you're the best, thank you for putting up with all my freak outs! :)<3 so glad to have found you.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • dreamwindsdreamwinds member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Well Meaning FI,

    Part of my whole losing weight plan that you seem to love the results of means I have to eat at very specific times and when I allow myself carbs, I am not going to waste those calories on poorly cooked carbs. Spaghetti should not be 3x the normal size to be all soft and mushy and it's worse when you tell me you checked and waited deliberately for it to get softer. First, it's starchier and thus worse for me. Second, it's just nasty mush.

    You had one thing to do while I drove home from work. Cook the pasta.

    Now I have no dinner (or lunch for tomorrow) and puked at personal training because I hadn't had enough to eat all day. And you have 4 servings of spaghetti to eat all on your own cause you wouldn't let me toss out the overcooked pasta. Please listen to me next time.


    Dreaming of Bacon Cheeseburgers and Fried Chicken Housewife-wannabe
    imageLilypie Maternity tickers
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