Wedding Woes

Death really does come in threes

Yesterday my uncle died. I havent seen him in over ten years (this is the result of my dad's family history of passive-aggressive BS), so I'm not terribly broken up about it. I do feel for my cousins. We also found out that DH's grandpa (FIL's father) passed away. In true dickey move, I found out through Facebook (and Scramble WIth Friends) since FIL didn't call his kids to let them know. Last week Monday, The Boy got to spend part of the day visiting with Grandpa. Grandpa was so happy to see him, and I'm glad he got that time before he passed. And now I'm trying to get home to start prepping the house before all the family comes. I really liked his Grandpa- he called FIL on his sh!t a few times and was really cool.

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