
Photo Guestbooks

What company did you all use to make your photo guestbook? Was it easy? Affordable? Has anyone got any coupon codes they can share?

Oh and did you put quotes in it or just pictures? How many pages? What size?

Sorry I have so many questions. I always really liked the books but wanted to do something more vintage like a typewriter. But at this point I think a type writer might be too big of a risk of people not signing and what will I rally do with a long ass piece of paper with signatures on it after the wedding TIA!!

Re: Photo Guestbooks

  • edited December 2011
    I used and loved shutterfly! I had a 50% off coupon. I signed up for an account and I get emails. I actually chose the random auto-fill function and then I put loves quotes on each page and made some pages that said "Our Guests" with lines for guests to sign every 3 or so pages.

    I think if you go to there website right now they are having 30% off photobooks. I also found this code.
    Free shipping on orders $30+, Promo Code SHIP30

    If you went with another company you can check this site for coupon codes  http://www.retailmenot.com/

    Good luck!
  • alyssa324alyssa324 member
    edited December 2011
    edit** our wedding is very famiy friendly we are really trying add our kiddos where ever possible. So what do you of adding a few family portraits to the book?
  • edited December 2011
    Yes, I think family photos would be a great addition too! :)

    Here is another code
    coupon code: RCA50

    50% off photo books through 4/29/10. one time redemption per member per household. Taxes, shipping and handling will apply.

  • edited December 2011
    I used shutterfly also and i like mine. :)
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • LuminousMuseLuminousMuse member
    edited December 2011
    FI and I wanted to do something more vintage as well and we are also pretty big on DIY so we got an old-fashioned type album with black pages, some photo corners to mount the pictures, and some old-style looking labels from the scrapbook section at Michaels for people to sign and or leave us words of wisdom.  We're actually waiting to assemble everything until after we get the wedding photos and most of the album will consist of them rather than e-pics etc. but the idea would work just as well if you wanted to mount your photos ahead of time.

    Or, you could get a book that is unlined and ask guests to leave room between signatures and any other thing they want to write, then at the end type up what people wrote yourself (to ensure extra spacing, etc) except for their signatures and cut/paste it all into a scrapbook with photos.

    Sorry this was so long, and I know they're both labor intensive suggestions but if there is a certain look you really want and you are able to put in the time they would both work rather well.  Of course, we will only have somewhere around 60 guests so it's not as huge an undertaking for us.
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