Wedding Woes

*checking year on calendar* Still 1981, maybe?

This article makes me want to hulk smash things.  I'm proud of her for standing her ground and the defense attorneys deserve shaming.  Maybe I'll start an attorney-shame tumblr account, if I can get them to stay still long enough with a banner on their necks:

I would also like to note that I despair of ever seeing a day where somehow the woman is not at fault for a "stupid" decision to go back to a man's abode.  Rather, I'd like the man to be f'in stupid for thinking it's okay to expect or demand sex or being a rapist if a woman goes back to his abode.  That'd be really damn great.

Re: *checking year on calendar* Still 1981, maybe?

  • It really says a lot about our society, about who we think women's bodies belong to, that this thinking is so common.
  • Wow...I could never be a defence attourney.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • That's horrid...but she is a brave young woman. My hat is off to her.
  • Missing the point, but ACK at the picture of the guy. He looks like a rapist.

    Back to the point. What kind of evidence of this guy's potential innocence could POSSIBLY be in this poor girls Google search history? None, but I'm sure there's all sorts of fodder for slut shaming, from judging the clothes she looked at to the bars she searched for to that Cosmo article she read 6 months back.
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