I am about to hide this guy, not because of his opinions but because he practially spams you with them, like 5 or 10 a day, usually all within an hour or two.
He's also the one who claims to be a Libertarian but is actively hoping for a Romney/Palin ticket in 2012. Talk about trading the frying pan for the fire.
Anyway, he posted this article and said "Miss him yet?" re: Bush
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/92141-poll-46-want-bush-backBasically, 46% of people polled wished for Bush back in office. I'm guessing this is the same 45.7% who voted for McCain in 2008. I hate how this is regurgitated as new information.
OK, that was a long post to get to that point, but I'm trying, for NOLA's sake.