
FYI: Gluten Free Baker

So I was meaning to look into this and finally did. I remember one of you girls had mentioned they might be looking for a gluten-free baker.

Everyone know's Kelli's Cake Creations is a board favorite and almost all of us rave about her!!!! (not to mention, she gives a 10% knottie discount, so be sure to mention that!). Well, I finally looked into it and she can provide Gluten Free, Kosher, Lactose Free, Organic, and Vegan Cakes!!!!!!!!!! Her prices are extremely reasonable and she makes fabulous and delicious cakes. I don't think you can find a negative review of her anywhere. I was just on Project Wedding and she has an overall 5 stars out of 42 reviews!!! Fabulous!

Just figured I'd share!
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Re: FYI: Gluten Free Baker

  • zoiesmurfzoiesmurf member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks! I'm looking for someone who can do gluten/dairy free. :)
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  • edited December 2011
    You should definitely look into Kelli!!! And tell her ahead of time, and I bet she could bring some gluten/dairy free stuff to the tasting!
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