Wedding Woes

Happy Friday!

What's in the plans?

This morning I need to bake some bread for a fundraiser.  Then take the kids to my mom's.  When I get back I'm going to bust through some house cleaning and try to do a little more painting prep.  My dad comes tonight.

Tomorrow is painting and more painting and dad heads home.

Sunday FIL is supposed to bring our frig and Mom and dad will bring the kids back sometime.

SN: I posted something about nesting on fb.  MIL replies that she could have used me to paint her mom's house.  Lady, I've offered to help you a million times.  Just ask.  I can't help if I don't know.

BIL has some vaguebook post about praying for doors to open because life is an adventure.  MIL asks when niece's next soccer game is.

Re: Happy Friday!

  • Well, I'm not working today because DefConn is running a fever.  I'm going to take him in because he's had a cough and runny nose for over a week and now he's got a fever, I'm wondering if an ear infection or upper respiratory infection (or both) have kicked in.

    So, our weekend kind of hinges on his health.

    We're supposed to do the JDRF walk tomorrow morning.   We're having people over Sunday to hang out and watch football.  I'm sure our friends will be able to come over,  I'm not sure about the walk though.

    At least he's in a mostly good mood...I think he's on a ibuprofen high.  His cough is terrible.  :( Sounds like it hurts.
  • I need some more tops for my trip. It's probably more of a want not a need, but whatever. I also want a new pair of boots, so I will be keeping my eyes open for those. I'm not a huge shopper, so this will probably get wrapped up in two hours.

    Anything over two hours and I start to lose all interest.

    Sunday: church, nap and Steel Magnolias on Lifetime, baby.
  • I'm looking forward to Steel Magnolias, NOLA. Thanks for the reminder that it's on this weekend.   Although, I don't think I have enough TVs/DVRs to watch and record all the shows that I want to watch on Sunday night.   Urgh.

    No plans for me this weekend other than mommy and me ballet.  :)
  • Conn, sad that your little one is sick.  Poor guy.  How long is the JDRF walk?

    6-All that fb posting fits right in with my post from yesterday.  Old people and FB don't mix.

    H is coming home today!  Whee!  I missed him terribly this week, I feel like a total jerk when I realize men in the service leave for MONTHS if not YEARS on end.  I couldn't imagine it. 

    I have no plans for the weekend really, it would be nice to relax and watch FB all day tomorrow.  H will probably want to run around like crazy and do things...who knows.  I am hoping to run tomorrow though. I want my new shoes to commmmeee!
  • Yay for husbands coming home!  And for Steel Magnolias.
  • I only have like 1/3rd of the day.  Bosses are at a retrest and send us to lunch @ 11:30, the off for the rest of the day w/pay!  Woohoo!

    Few finishing touches on costumes, going to the mall to buy DH new slacks and white shirt, my foundation and then off to a jazz show tonight.  We're meeting a good friend that we haven't seen in forever and his girl.  She seems to be making him really happy, so I'm looking forward to it.  

    Tomorrow the wedding, yay!

    Sunday, house cleaning, batch cooking and hopefully electrical repair.
  • I bet you're beyond stoked for that wedding, V. 
  • I know full well what JDRF stands for, but I keep reading it as James VanDerBeek.
  • Flo, you know they are going to rerun it to death. Tape it for later in the week.
  • We're going to be off playing Victorian in the desert. Thankfully it will only be in the 80's. I expect to sit under my parasol and drink a lot of water, too many layers of cloth to do much more. 
  • I know it's not morning, but oh well.

    I'm tired and I think I'm getting sick. This does not make me happy because I don't have the time right now to lay around and recuperate. I'm praying that an early bed time and lots of water help me out.

    Tonight we'll take it easy. Tomorrow I need to clean the house and I promised DS that we'd get a bird house and some bird seed. Depending on how I feel I may work on painting the trim and ceiling for the downstairs bathroom. It's a small room and won't take long. I'm still  undecided on paint colors. I hate painting swatches but I may just have to.

    We also need to do yard work at some point and I'm hoping DH will want to get it done this weekend.
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