So... at this moment I am beginning my planning (will be married in Jan) so actually I am a little behind (I haven't really done anything.. not even found a church or anything yet!). My FI and I are doing the long distance (6 hours!) until Aug (hopefully!!!) and all my BM & my MOH live 2 or more hours away. So I am basically going at this by myself - since my mom is so clueless about this stuff.
I want to keep everyone involved in the planning process and love having my BM's opinions and my groom's opinion on details, dress, everything! Until now, I have been posting on my BM's FB walls links to stuff I want them to look at.. but it is seriously getting ridiculous! Plus, I don't really want *everyone* to see those details/ideas. I found this application called OneWed Pre-Planning Party where you can invite your wedding party and it's almost like.. a little facebook. You can post pictures, they can post pictures, and comments to keep everyone in the loop. Sounds great, right? NO.... I can not get it to work right, I have done everything and somehow only half of my party can connect to my wedding, so if I can't do that then what's the point?
So, at this point.. I am SO frustrated.. because I feel overwhelmed (already!) and I don't know how to connect with my girls via online in an easy manner!
So.. I was hoping for your ideas and advice on this matter! Has anyone had this problem? Is there *anything* out there that would be useful for this situation??
Thank-you!! And, I apologize if this was long.