My FI and I are having a camouflaged wedding theme. So I thought a big back yard would be perfect. Our issue is finding one. However, when it comves to our reception, we were talking about it and since there will be about 150+ or so people, we thought about buying the first round of alcohol. We were both thinking of like 3 kegs, and then buying a gallon of vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum etc. After that's all gone then everyone will buy there own. Considering we'll be paying about 200 or so dollars for alcohol alone, is it rude that we ask that? Especially with there being so many people. I mean, the way we figured it is the least they can do if we run out of alcohol since there will be so much, is pay for the second round. Obviously with a back yard reception people WILL be staying the night or have a DD. I REFUSE to put up with it. And since there will be sober people there I am having them watch to make sure no one leaves drunk. Any ideas on how to change this, if this is honestly deemed as rude? (Taking donations for the second round maybe?)