Wedding Reception Forum

Guest Book(s)?

I have so many ideas for guest books.  Would it be tacky if I had more than one guest book if they are completely different.  One ides is that we would use engagement pictures as well as other pictures to make a photo book.  My second favorite is having the guests put their thumbprint onto a tree to look like leafs and they sign it. 

Re: Guest Book(s)?

  • To be honest, some guests won't even sign one guest book let alone two. 

    I would pick the favorite of the two you have listed and pick one.  And just as an FYI, if you pick the thumbprint tree guest book make sure you have a box of wet wipes on hand so that your guests can clean off their fingers.

  • I think the idea with your engagement pics is a cute idea, and not one that I have seen before. I am planning on having people sign a mat to go around a picture of the skyline of the city I am getting married in.  I have also heard people having guests sign a mat that will go around a large picture of the wedded couple.
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  • If you love different ideas and have a use for them, then I think you should figure out a way to do them! Maybe you can have one for the rehearsal dinner and people who are close to you, and then another for the reception?

    I'm doing a thumbprint tree that my cousin designed for me and I'm totally excited! I have decided to do the inking of fingerprints myself though because I've read about so many different stories of not wanting to make a mess, or people not wanting to leave their fingerprint.  If I do it myself, I can place them where I want, avoid the mess, and hopefully get everyone to sign a leaf! Good luck!

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  • I would pick one or the other, either way people will probably miss one or the other and I really think it would be the book.  I suggest saving the money used for the book for your wedding pictures.  I love our e-pics but I love our wedding pictures fifty times more. 
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  • I like the idea of inking the leaves yourself beforehand. Much cleaner!

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  • edited April 2012
    I agree with the others, one or the other, just pick your favorite out of the two!  We're going a Memory Box as a guest book.  I bought a fancy little box that almost looks like a treasure chest and blank index cards for people to write us a message along with their names and place it in the box.
  • Shellyberry72Shellyberry72 member
    First Comment
    edited April 2012

    Definitely do what would mean the most to you later on.  I collect cookbooks so what I'm doing is taking blank recipe cards and using that as comment cards for people to write whatever they wish (will be intersting with my family) and then we'll kep them in a recipe binder with a flower design that goes with the wedding design. 

  • We're making our own guest book, too, using photos of our city -- some places that played a role in our dating life, some of our favorite spots, some of us and my fiance's kids at those places.... We'll get acid-free pens in a few colors, and folks can sign it like a yearbook or something. My fiance makes photo books of the kids for each set of grandparents each year, so it's something he's very familiar with. I looked for published photobooks of our city, and couldn't find a good one -- it needed photos that showed our town, and enough white space to write on. But no good coffee table books were to be had. I love that we're going to have a book that we can keep out where we can see it, and it'll contain photos we love and warm wishes from our friends and family on every page. A standard guestbook with people's names and addresses just didn't make sense for us (we already know where all these people live, for heaven's sake!), we will have too many people for the photo mat idea, and I had issues with the fingerprint thing -- the ink, the mess, the potential for someone to smear it.... For us, this photobook thing is just perfect.
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