
weight loss

My dress came in and I went to try it on last week.  Unfortunately it didn't fit.   My wedding isn't until late next year but I want the dress to fit when I go with my BMs to look at dresses probably in Dec.I'm looking for recommendations on how to take off about 2 inches, especially in the upper body area.

Re: weight loss

  • meganjane86meganjane86 member
    edited December 2011
    Try the 30 Day Shred... I have it and it really works you out hard for it only being 20 minutes long! Also, make sure you're doing some kind of cardio-- I run, but spinning classes are great and they help you stay on a schedule, plus it's someone else pushing you to work harder, so that helps! Try heading over to the Gettin In Shape board, there's lots of support over there!
  • edited December 2011
    It's all about eating healthy and exercising. I do recommend weights as it doesn't bulk you up at all and definitely helps you lose weight. I recommend checking out the getting in shape board to get ideas. Are you looking to join a gym or a workout at home program?
  • jessica0602jessica0602 member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    weight watchers and exercise
  • edited December 2011
    It really is all about what you eat.... I would really focus on diet there.  Drop soda, as much sugar and refined carbs as you can.  You'll see a difference quickly just changing those things.  Center your meals around protein.  Good luck
  • edited December 2011
    Little things like parking far way from the door at the mall, always taking the stairs, walking as much as possible to stores etc all add up as well. Get a pedometer, get a baseline of your daily steps then set up goals for a week. Go up a 1000 or so steps a day. It becomes a contest, reward yourself with a mani/ pedi, or a movie with FI or your girlfriends.
  • edited December 2011
    Try this site as well. [url]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/url]
  • edited December 2011
    First. not to be snarky, it is not possible to turn fat into muscle and weight training is very good for losing inches (which is more important than the number on the scale).  "Getting bulky" is a myth and avoiding weight training will cause you to miss our on a valuable aspect of weight loss, because muscle burns more calories at rest than fast.A combination of diet, weight training and cardiovascular exercise is your best bet.  Like a pp said weight watchers is awesome for losing weight and keeping your eating in check and that combined with working out 4-5 days a week will get you into your dress in that amount of time for sure.
  • edited December 2011
    **Sorry, please disregard typos - I was rushing to post before heading out!
  • marn1175marn1175 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Honey WALK WALK WALK...30 min a day that's all! And cut down on sweets...Eat yogurts, cereal, fruits and no snacks after dinner....I do it all the time and I don't do it for weight purposes just to feel good and get toned! and if you want tones arms (like kelly Ripa?) get 3 lbs walking weights and just do them a couple times a week..You'll be fine! I am sure it will all work out!!! 
  • edited December 2011
    I wasnt trying to say weight training woudlnt help, I was just trying to say that I woudlnt do too heavy of weights, thats why I said do light weights.. I started out doing too heavy of weights (instead of lighter weights and higher reps) and I gained muscle in my arms but actually gained almost an inch on each arm due to gaining larger biceps. If she was worried about her upper body not fitting into the dress, I didnt want her arms to get too big and then have her straps be too tight.. cause thats what happened to me when I gained too much arm muscle. I definitly think a mixture of cardio, light weight training and eating well is the best option though as others have said. Thats what I am currently doing.
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto Jess0602 - Weight Watchers and exercise.  I lost 35lbs on WW last year and have kept it off for a year this month.  It's not reinventing the wheel - just eating smart and working out regularly.      
    Yorkie Jenga

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Please go to the getting in shape board and do not listen to lifting weights will bulk you up and that fat turns into muscle.  Weight training is essential to losing inches as your muscles will contiue to burn calories LONG after your run on the treadmill.  Plus, I am a firm believer that it is 80% diet 20% exercise.  btw, in 6 months I lost 4 inches in my bust, 5 in my waist, and 5 in my hips doing cardio, strength training, and proper nutrition. 
  • laurak43laurak43 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the feedback.  I was looking to see if any diet plans like WW were worth the money on top of the obvious need to exercise.  I don't eat junk food or drink soda or even eat all that much to begin with.  I joined a gym a while back and was going 3 or 4 times a week for an hour on the treadmill with no change in my appearance or weight.  So I lost the drive and would only go once a week if that and then actually started losing weight??? I'm also sort of a vegetarian in that I don't eat meats except seafood and poultry so its hard to find diet plans that work with that along with my FI's horrible diet and digust for vegetables.  I think I need to get back into the gym routine and add some light weight training (do need to tone the arms) and hope that it works out better this time.
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