Wedding Reception Forum

rose petals in water.

i was thinking about putting rose petals in water in vases. i want a nice centerpiece without spending too much so i thought of this. but would it work? will the petals be spread out in the vase or will they float? i don't want them to float because i also want to put floating candles in them.

Re: rose petals in water.

  • Go to the grocery store.  Spend $10 on a few roses.  Take them home.  Put them in a vase of water.  Experiment.

    FWIW, Rose petals can be expensive if purchased through your florist. You may not be saving money by going this route.  You can use marbles or painted beans if you want a colored centerpiece.
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    Just because you saw it on Four Weddings, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
  • I doubt they'd sink if that's what you're asking. You could anchor whole flowers to the bottom of a container for a similar effect.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: rose petals in water.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I doubt they'd sink if that's what you're asking. You could anchor whole flowers to the bottom of a container for a similar effect.
    Posted by LeiselEB[/QUOTE]

    thank you. i don't want a whole flower but i'm thinking of other ideas with rose petals. i may not add any flowers in the water.
  • all flower petals float... but you could add colored glass pebbles to the bottom to fill more space, depending on how tall/deep and width of the vase u could have a few petals with floating candles
    my FI last name is rose, so we are using that as our focal point for the wedding/reception.... i like ur idea. best way to figure it out is try it at home
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