
Shoes Stores that carry Narrow Sizes

Hi, My mother has a very skinny foot and can only wear narrow shoes (we've tried every combination of shoe pad available and she still walks out of any medium width shoes). I looked online DSW, and Zappos and could only find 3 shoes that would work with her dress. Only 1 pair fit. Does anyone have any other recommendations of shoe stores that carry narrow...either online or locally? Nordstrom has a great selection but they are mostly casual shoes. Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

Re: Shoes Stores that carry Narrow Sizes

  • edited December 2011
    j&p - check south philly shoes on s. broad street.  the store is a bit junky but they have a whole ROOM of bridal/special occasion shoes that can be dyed.  girls on the board gave me that rec and holy smokes, there are hundreds of shoes, maybe thousands in that room!  if you can't find narrow widths there, I don't think you are going to find them.  what color is her dress?  they also have black, silver, gold all in that room too...
  • edited December 2011
    Stuart Weitzman offers narrow sizing.  There's a store at the KOP mall.
  • edited December 2011
    My mom has the same problem- her foot width is a AAA (normal is a B).  She LOVES shopping at Naturalizer, because they carry even smaller than that, and their shoes always fit.  Plus, for they are pretty updated on the styles.There is one at the Concord Mall in Wilmington (on 202).  I don't know if there is another store in this area.  I would highly recommend checking it out.  When she goes in, she needs to ask for help determining her width, and then they can go from there.
  • ButtonsPepperButtonsPepper member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    J&P, only problem with the KOP sw is that they carry like 2 shoes for wedding related purposes. They can however, order any shoe you want, so if she doesn't mind spending $$, have her go on and try a shoe they have in a narrow in her size, then order a shoe she likes and it should do the job!
  • edited December 2011
    ditto jewels on south philly shoes. they have the largest selection of sizes and shoes i have seen re:formal/wedding/evening selections. dont be turned off by how packed and junky it is.
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