Wedding Reception Forum

alternatives to flying lanterns?

I had my heart set on Chinese flying lanterns as a send off but the venue told us we can't now. She suggested a helium balloon release but that is so not environmentally friendly or nearly as pretty.
Any ideas for a suitable replacement?
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Re: alternatives to flying lanterns?

  • And what gets me is they have a 50 acre field which we can use that is treeless. And the lanterns are biodegrade in two to three days. /endrant/
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  • We are considering these
    for our send-off, but not as a release ... not quite the same thing, though.  :(

    Are they concerned about fire?  What about putting the lanterns on long (loooooooooong) strings, so there was a similar "release" effect but they were still tethered to the ground (or the people holding them) for a little more control?
  • Fire is the main concern. There are lots of trees and wind is an issue as well. We're considered the glow balloons now. Do they float away quickly or somewhat slowly?
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  • We're going to keep them on strings, so I'm not sure ... I'm guessing somewhat slower since the light adds a tiny bit more weight to them.
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