Wedding Reception Forum

CP help!!!

I have planned every single aspect of my CP's and was originally going to have the classic votives surrounding the CP. Well, I found tealights on a ridiculous sale (literally pennies for 50) and bought a bunch. I know they will burn out faster but it saved me alot of money and my reception is only 5 hours. SO...opinion...can the tea lights just be set on the mirror/table without their little holders or do I need to go spend another couple hundred buying small candle holders for all of them?
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Re: CP help!!!

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    You can set them out without getting holders for them, they just usually look better with. I would set up a table like how you want it at the reception and see how they look without holders. As long as your happy with it, it should be fine.
    I'm married!
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    jamjar11jamjar11 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited May 2010
    One important thing I have to keep reminding myself of: your guests will not analyze your table the way you are. I think the tealights out by themselves would be fine. But if you are really uncomfortable with it, you could get those small tealight holders for really cheap somewhere.... These are the kind I am talking about: 

    These are from and they are sold in cases of 72 (36 sets of 2) for $36. So, depending on how many tables you have this may take care of it.
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    Experiment with the tealights.  Sometimes you can trim the wick to 1/2" and they will burn slower.  But some of them have directions that say not to trim the wicks.  I think it depends on the specific type of candle wax/additives used as to whether they burn more waxy, or more liquid.

    If they burn more "liquid", I'd use a tealight holder.  The Dollar Tree is probably your best bet for those.
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    I think the tealights will be fine. My friend got married last year and she tied a small piece of ribbon in her wedding color around each. It made her feel better about not having holders for them. Trust me, I don't think anyone really even noticed.

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