
Unmotivated Wedding

I'll say it.  I am completely unmotivated to do anything wedding related right now and I have about 2 months left.  Maybe part of it is because work is stressing me out, or that I had done so much in the begining, but now that we're in the home stretch all I really think/care about is working out/eating healthy and work.  I need some motivation to get my last few projects done!  UGH!! Anyone else go through this?  I just want the wedding to be here already and for everything to be "poof" done. 

Re: Unmotivated Wedding

  • edited December 2011
    I definitely started to feel stressed/unmotivated at the end... however I pushed through and did everything I had planned. The night of hte wedding I was so thankful that I had completed everything I wanted. EVERYONE noticed the small details and it made me feel so good! You are soooo close and it will be well worth it when you are at the wedding! :)
  • edited December 2011
    My wedding is in 3 months and I am definitely in the same position as you...when we first got engaged there were a million things to do and then there was a long break where nothing was going on and now its crunch time.  We picked out tuxes and had my make up trial last weekend, our final guest list is due for the calligrapher, I got shoes, I have my first dress fitting this weekend, I need to figure out gifts for everyone and make our table is too much and I am totally shutting down!
  • edited December 2011
    I'm 9 days away, and have no motivation to pack, wrap gifts, finish my seating chart, etc.. it's horrible! I need to pick up the motivation. I also need to invite like 4 more people and have been lazy and am probably just going to end up paying for the lack of people instead of asking people. I'm in a weird funk!
  • Amerbutt81Amerbutt81 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Oh gosh.. I'm 9 months out and I'm already loosing motivation, haha.Ok girls, we need to get our rears in gear.  Let's make a list of what needs to be done, grab a coffee, and JUST DO IT.Rock on.
    Mrs. JEGs
    est 7.17.10
    Hunter Fillmore
    October 1, 2011

    Lizzie In Progress
  • edited December 2011
    This motivated me to make a decision on the photobooth. So, heres a CHECK for that. Now if I could just finish the guest list (2 we havent heard from, and 4 more we need to add).. considering the wedding is in 9 days, we should have that finalized by now dontcha think? :)
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