Just out of curiousity...how many limos did you guys choose? I am having 5 BMs/GMs, plus our parents. I am a little worried about the parent thing since FI's parents are divorced, his dad is remarried, His folks have NOT been at an y shard event since the divorce, which was 20 years ago. We are pretty concerned about how to handle all this...it is VERY important that his mom is not left out in any way. FI is also worried about how to handle his dad, keep him included, etc. I suggested we invite the wife's sister/husband who we do socialize with so she at least is comfortable.
ANYWAY, getting off topic...just really wondering how people arrange limos. Do we have one lime for bridal party plus parents, and one for grooms men plus his mom and let his dad decide if he wants to join? And then take two imos to reception? We live 5 minutes from Church, which is 5 minutes from reception.