My FH and I are going to Vegas to get married. We are not sending invites but telling people (we live in a small town) if they want to attend they are more than welcome but we do not EXPECT (due to $ reasons) anyone to fly half-way across the US for our wedding. We will have a small but sweet ceremony, spending our honeymoon there and planning a reception when we return. This is my 2nd marriage but his 1st and his family is SO excitied they want to have the Showers & "Traditional" wedding reception with dress, cake, first dance and the whole nine yards. I am not against it at all I just feel that it may be somewhat inapprociate to have the big reception after the actually ceremony. I'm just not sure how the DW process usually works is it ok to do this without being frowned upon? Any advice or suggestions PLEASE! 
Thank You!