Besides the table decor, etc. what personal touches do you all have planned for your reception? It's really hard for me to think up stuff on my own or envision anything, so I need to pretty much do something that someone else has done - better yet, has photos of! Here are some wedding elements/personal touches that I like:
All my guests are coming from far corners of the country, it would be fun to show a map of where everyone lives. Plus I work with maps daily and consider myself a map geek.
Message in a Jar

This couple had jars for 1, 5, 10, and 25 years of marriage. Guests write little notes on heart shaped paper and drop them in each jar. They will be opened and read on the respective years.
Idea Books 
This couple put vintagy books on each table along with some pencils and titled them "Creative Date Ideas," "Ways to say I Love You," "Cute Baby Names." I thought that was cute (not the baby names though!).
Skis "Guestbook"

FI and I met on skis and were engaged on skis. I thought this was cute. It's a pair of old wooden skis that guests sign. However, it was for a winter wedding!
Genelogy Tree 
This was the program. A graphic tree with a family tree. Kind of neat for big weddings, but we won't have any extended family at ours.
Photo Clothesline 
Self explanatory. I think every rustic wedding should have this!
Thumb Tree Guestbook 
This seems to be the trend nowadays, but I do like it.
Mad Libs RSVP 
Creative mad lib RSVPs where you fill in the blanks, then are displayed at the reception.
Share yours!