Destination Weddings Discussions

Poll: Name change?

The Mrs. panties made me want to think about this.... What are your plans for your last name? Are you taking his? Adding it as a second last name?
Meghan and Jonny- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - May 1, 2010
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Re: Poll: Name change?

  • I'm definitely going to change mine to his, but don't know if I want to hyphenate it...... (since I've been married once before, I think I may hyphenate my maiden name with his)  Not sure yet.  What are you doing Meghan?
  • I think i'm moving my last name to my middle name so I can still use it for work purposes.  And then i'll legally be Cristina Maiden FI'sLastname.  Should be interesting.   I'm actually trying to convince FI to take my name.  It is WAY cooler than his.
  • I am changing my last name to his... It's way cool to be Mrs. Sugar, only down side is if you have a weird sense of humor like Colin you'll think it sounds like a stripper or washed up porn star lol.  I'm sure that isn't  going to be the first thing people will think about when they hear my name :-)
  • I'm taking his last name and dropping mine... eeeeehh! I'm so excited :o) It's going to be so weird signing my new last name, I'm sure it will take me a while to get used to it :O)
  • Just got back from the social security office and I am officially Natalee Marie C...  As much as I loved my last name and wanted to move it to my middle name, I knew it meant a lot to Brian to change my name so I just went to his.  I figure it will be easier at work anyway to make one drastic change right away rather than keep the 2 names.
  • I'm with Cristina, I'm moving my last name to my middle name and taking his. I want to keep my last name somewhere for professional purposes. I've spent the last 4 years making a good name for myself and in my profession your name means a lot.
  • I'm adding his as a second last name and taking off my mother's last name but keeping my father's. Weird... I got two names and two last name lol

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  • I am taking his last name.... and my name will be a mile long, but that's fine. It'll just take me 5 minutes to sign anything.Jeanette Middle FILastNameWith lots of e's and t's... quite a mouthful. :)
  • I'm just taking his name.  No hyphenating and no keeping it as the middle.  I had thought about making my last name my new middle, but unfortunately I didn't like the way it sounded!  So I'm just taking his.
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  • I'm just taking his. I know it matters to him, and I'm not that attached my my last name anyways.
  • Just taking his.  I'm a little freaked out about it.  I've been Jenni T for 27 years.  My current last name is a trendy boys name right now.  I plan on naming our first born that if it's a boy.
  • I'm taking his because I know how much it means to him and also because mine is hard to pronounce...his will be so much easier! :)
  • I had thought about not changing my name at all...this has kind of ruffled FI's feathers, but I was married before, changed my name to a$$hole's, then changed it back when divorced. I've been mulling this over for quite some time now and I think what I will ultimately do is add on his last name.  So I'll be   Kelly  Middle  Maiden  Hisname.  No hyphens or anything, just adding it on to the end.  I think I'll do it as a surprise to him since this was really the only topic I think he was upset with.  Plus we're going to start thinking about kids very soon (I'm not gettin any younger) so I'd like to have his name for the kids.  :)
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  • I know I am taking his - ordered my Sarah NewLastName business cards yesterday... lol... I haven't decided if I am going to drop my middle name and use my maiden, or if I am just going to drop my maiden. I like my middle name and hate my last name... but I think my dad would be sad if I completely dropped my maiden name. :-/ I know its not that important because really who ever pays attention to a middle name? And I am going from B to B - so if I kept my middle name then my initials wouldn't change at ALL so my monogrammed stuff would still apply. haha...
  • I thought about making my maiden name a 2nd middle name, but decided I honestly don't really care about holding onto my maiden name that much.  I'm still me even though my name is changing a bit!  Just going to take his last name. I agree that it will be very strange to sign, say and see a different last name after 'Danielle' ~ especially being 31 and in my career for a buncha years.
  • I'm definitly taking his name and dropping mine. I have had the longest last name forever and I'll be cutting it in half so I am way excited. I didn't want to drop my middle name b/c it's a family name that's been around for 100 years.
  • I know I'm going to end up dropping my last name and taking FI's last name. It really does make me a little sad though, I love my last name, I love my family, I really feel a sense of loss of identity. But it's important to FI, he said he would be fine with my hyphenating (even though I know he hates that idea), but if we have kids he doesn't want them to have hyphenated last names. I understand that I guess.I'll just put it all out there for you ladies - I'll be going from an O'Leary to a Robinson.
  • I can't wait to change my last name.  When my parents got divorced I really wanted to change my last name to my mom's madien name and she said no.  As of now my initals are HAC and one day they will be HAH.  I think it's excellent.
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  • Sarah - I am with you. It's really hard for me to get rid of my last name. I know it kills FI when I even mention kipping mine. I might do two last names and then change to his if we have kids. I just think it's such a huge change and I think I need to do it in steps. If my FI wasn't hurt by the idea of me keeping my name, I would keep it for sure.
    Meghan and Jonny- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - May 1, 2010
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  • I'm taking FI's last name and dropping mine. His is harder to pronounce, but I have no attachment to my last name (my dad was adopted, so it's not really "my" family name). It's going to be weird, but nice. He caught me doodling and trying to write my new signature the other day and the smile on his face was priceless.
  • I'll be changing my name to FI's last name.  It's hard because while I love my family history tied to my last name, I've spent my whole life spelling it out three times to people, and saying stuff like "F as in Frank, not S as in Steven". There's no way I could hyphenate the two last names.  My last name is my current email that I post here, so I'll just put mine out there as well.  Currently DeFilio, going to be O'Malley.  I'm going from Italian to Irish, so a hyphen would just feel a little wrong. :)
  • Ugh, I don't know! I'm definitely taking his last name, but I really don't want to get rid of my maiden. I'm the last of the Gaines family, there are no boys to carry on the name, so I want to keep it somehow. I kind of want to drop my middle name and be Alison Gaines B. But I mentioned that to my mom and she got hurt feelings because my middle name is the same as hers. So I might just be Alison S...Gaines B. But that seems kind of exhausting.
  • I really want to keep my name since it kind of has a cool history and very unusual for someone of my background (Russian/Jewish). My great grandfather escaped Poland and went to israel and changed his polish last name to a made up one (descriptive of the area where he settled). So it's kind of cool, but i know FI really wants me to take his name. I'll go from a cool last name with a history to one that is really hard to pronounce and is super russian. Our kids would not be happy.
  • Wow! I'm the only one keeping my name on here?  Not even an option for me.  I changed my name once from my father's to my mother's (to tie in a post from yesterday - I don't talk to my Dad either).  I also have some issues with the whole history of the reason women change their names (as it was a property transfer), but am a firm believer in to each his own!  I also love my last name and it means more to me since my grandfather passed away several years ago.  (It's also a common first name, so it's my brother's first name - which is hysterical when people think my brother's first and last name are the same). FI doesn't care and honestly, if he did, he wouldn't be the man for me! :)  He's just not allowed to change his last name to mine, since he and my grandfather have the same first name, and well, that would be strange! So, my undies will say something like "FI's wife" or just married!
  • I'm dropping my middle name, making my maiden name my new middle name and taking my husbands last name. I'm traditional like that I guess. I think I will like the change.
  • I'm taking FI's last name, since my last name is tied in with my dad (whom no longer wants anything to do with me or my sisters, so I have absolutely no loyalty to it).  I thought about doing something with my mother's maiden name, but haven't thought about it much until this post!  Interesting thought now.  This was fun, I love some of your stories about your last names or the reasons you will/will not change your name!
  • Danielle - Seems like we have the same father!  My one sister changed her name when she got married for the very reason that she had no desire to keep a name associated with my father.  My other sister changed her name to incorporate my Mom's (which how I got the idea and decided to change mine).  So she went from Jennifer Ann Dad's Name to Jennifer Mom's Name, Husband's name.  I love that she did it - got rid of the "bad" name and got to incorporate my mother's famliy name.  Just thought I would share!It's probably bad that I would get a little satisfaction when my father tried to be one and would send a card and have to send it to me new name.  (I changed it 12 years ago, so it's been awhile since that has actually happened!)
  • I'm taking FI's last name and dropping my middle name so my last name becomes my middle.
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