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VIBES for sick son needed

Please ladies send me as many VIBES as you can. My son has been having a fever since last night and today is just getting worse he's been vomiting and has an empty stomach. I just took his temp and it was 104.3, I'm hoping that is nothing serious but you never know with everything going around.I know the knottie vibes do wonderful things and we can really use some. I'll be taking him to the docs if his fever doesn't get better by tonight. Thank you!

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Re: VIBES for sick son needed

  • Poor baby, that's terrible. I hope he feels much better and many vibes your way.
  • I don't have kids, but isn't 104 really really high?  I would take him to the doctor sooner than later.
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  • Oh no that's terrible! I hope he feels better. ::VIBES:: your way!
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  • I work at a doctors office and that's his doctor, so I took him to work with me today because on fridays we don't see patients. She just said to keep giving him the medicine and keep him hydrated. We ruled out strep throat because he was complaining about it and now we just have to wait. Usually you have to wait 24 hrs to take him to the ER from the moment it started because it might just be a 24 hour thing (it happened to us before). I'm with you that 104 is high but I just gave him medicine so if it doesn't go down and stays down I'm running to the ER. 

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  • :::vibes::: his way.  You need to get him into the doctor ASAP!!!!  I have heard WAY too many horror stories with waiting and the fever being that high.  I would say 101 and above should require a dr visit right away!
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  • Poor guy! Lots of **vibes** that he starts feeling better ASAP.


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  • Sounds like the flu :( Poor guy. Lots of :::healthy vibes::: to him! Popsicles are a great way to get fluids into little ones, if you haven't tried those yet.
  • Awww.... ::: Healthy Vibes :::
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