Destination Weddings Discussions


How's the cutting going? I plan to do this soon and am the same way. I love our invites. However, I keep thinking, I'm not a DIY girl, what did I get myself into?Let me know how it goes and if you have any tips!
Meghan and Jonny- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - May 1, 2010
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Re: *Mindi22*

  • It's going. I still have about a month to get them out so we're just doing a few at a time. We're cutting out our boarding passes by using a ruler and exacto knife, for the most part it's working, definitely better than a scissor. There are some that are uneven, so we'll have to redo them. Like I said, I'm so not a DIY person so they won't be perfect. What are you working on? Good Luck, my suggestion is to give yourself plenty of time and quit when you get tired (or sloppy in my case (: Let me know how it goes!
  • Ok, I just looked at your bio and saw your doing boarding passes too--- Do you know how your perforating yours yet? We used 80# paper and apparently you can't use a standard perforator? The guy at Office Max recommended a sewing machine?? Someone else recommended a material perforater (for blankets, etc)
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