Hi ladies,First off, sorry I've been MIA this week. Work has been keeping me on my toes to say the least (to think a month ago I was panicking over being unemployed!), and yesterday I came down with a cold, so I cancelled my plans for today and am re-connecting with the online world ;)So I'm trying to export my guestlist to excel, and what I'm getting is not pretty! It basically throws alllll the information in one cell with a bunch of unecessary quote marks, rather than dividing the information into different cells and columns. Has anyone found a way around this?TIA*m*
DW Siggy: Current Books

149 Received the invite of the century.

90 are coming to party with the unicorns!

37 will miss out on the good food and eat hot pockets instead.

22 think I'm psychic.
My Bio, updated 4/24/11