Destination Weddings Discussions

Went dress shopping for a friend

My friend is having a short notice wedding set for the end of this month.  So yesterday I helped her go dress shopping, we went to 3 different stores and she tried on about 15-20 dresses.  By the end of the day I was so overwhelmed and stressed out just as she was.  She couldn't settle on a dress and I know every bride wants "the dress" but considering its 2 weeks before her wedding and she can't order a dress, I told her not to overwhelm herself and find something comfortable and that she feels good in.  Well, she didn't get a dress and I went home with a bad headache and I'm exhausted today.  I feel like I might be coming down with something. Is wedding dress shopping this stressful and difficult?  I'm supposed to start dress shopping in December for myself but I'm scared now :o( The consultant at David's Bridal was such a b*tch.... I will not have patience for someone like that when I go shopping for my dress.I'm dreading shopping for my dress more now than I was before :o(

Re: Went dress shopping for a friend

  • Well, yes, for some people dress shopping can be very stressful. You have to take into account that your friend has left herself only 2 weeks to find a dress! You have much more time than that so you won't have to feel like "Ok, I have to pick a dress now!" You have time to find "the dress". If I can offer any advice for when you go dress shopping it would be: 1. Make sure you stay full & hydrated. 2. Schedule your appointments far enough apart that you have plenty of time at each shop and therefore don't feel rushed.I, personally, also found that the fewer people there the better. I went with my mom and one of my BM's and that was perfect. My MOH was suppose to be there but couldn't come at the last minute, I was kind of bummed about that, but in hindsight it was perfect. Even one more persons opinion would have been too much. Between my own opinion, my mom & BM, and whoever was helping me at each shop, that's a lot of opinions.Remember, this isn't a marathon to the finish. Take your time, take a break, and remember that this isn't life or death. You will be fine! You may even have fun :)
  • It's a little stressful but it will be a lot easier for you since you have plenty of time.  Personally I hate David's and would prefer if I don't ever have to step foot in that place again.  My suggestion would be to avoid it.
  • Thanks ladies! Sarah I agree with you about not having a lot of people.  I'm just going to have my moh go with me the first round then once I've narrowed down my options I'm going to bring my mom so I can make a final decision.  I plan on never returning to David's bridal again.  I didn't like any of their dress for me and the lady was rude.  She tried getting me to try on dresses, and I said to her I'm here for my friend this is about her.  The consultant just wanted to make a sale and was over the line.  I'm going to have to remember to bring water and give my self space because it's a lot of work.
  • I think for some people it can be very stressful. Particularly if you don't leave yourself much time to find a dress, like your friend. Honestly, don't worry about it too much. Just try to relax and have fun....don't worry about finding "the one." That just puts too much pressure on brides. I had a lot of fun because I thought of it more like playing dress up and getting to see myself in poufy sparkly dresses...not necessarily focused on finding one to buy. And like Sarah said, I just took my mom with me and I think that only having one person with me made the experience much more enjoyable. And I would highly recommend avoiding David's Bridal...I hate that place. Go to a smaller, more intimate boutique...they will give you much better service.
  • I dreaded it too! So I decided I wasn't going to go dress shopping. I searched online, found a dress I loved, and will be going to the store to check it out and make sure it doesn't look "cheap" or horribly different from the online photo. I'm a street size 24 so I doubt I'll be able to try it on anyway. Thankfully, I'm pretty laid back and don't really care what anyone wears - including myself. lol Would you be able to shop for a dress in January? I think if you go around the holidays, people tend to be more on edge and have less patience. Or maybe try to take a day off work and go on a weekday when things are slower - you might get better service if the sales people aren't so rushed.
  • Thanks for the suggestions.  I actually did call the salons that I want to go try on dresses at and they told me that December is their slowest month actually.  A lot of brides get engaged in December (Christmas) so January through spring it's pact.  So I'm going to go in December on a week day so I get more time with the consultant and I don't feel pressured.  
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