Destination Weddings Discussions

Good Morning, ladies!

I'm having a great day. I woke up early to do my hair and makeup because the guys at the office have a lunch for me today, sort of a going away for a month / I'm getting married I wanted to be all pretty. Then to kind of give somthing back I bought doughnuts for all of them (and me), so I'm high in sugar right now :-)Plus I'm super excited because I leave to Denver in 2 days and we leave to Europe in one week!!I hope you girls are having an awesome day too!

Re: Good Morning, ladies!

  • Glad you are having a great day Normailed!  I am just so freaking happy it is Wed!  Hope everyone has a great day.
    New bio with helpful info for DW knotties!
    Ashley & Josh ~ The Reef Resort ~ Grand Cayman~ May 15th 2010
  • Good morning knotties! That's so sweet of your co-workers Normailed! I am working on getting a for sale bio together now that the AHR is over.
  • What a great way to start your day! Best wishes that all goes just how you want it to on your wedding trip.
  • Wow, I'm up early for my day off. Well, I'm headed to Raleigh today to shoot a large photography event and I'm sure I'm going to be exhausted today. My schedule is crazy! I've got a bridal portrait tomorrow and back to the full time job on Friday! I need rest. I hope you girls have a good day. It's one day closer to the weekend.
  • Good morning chicas!Normailed, that's so awesome of your co-workers to throw you a little party.  And yay for donuts! :)I went to a scrapbooking store last night that sells pocketfold invites hoping to get started on my invitations, but they were crazy expensive!  I seriously need some help or they're never going to be sent out!  This process is so overwhelming that I wish I had the money to have someone else make them.  Stupid me trying to DIY everything...Anyway, today instead of working I'll probably spend a lot of time checking out pocketfolds online.  :)
  • I've got the normal routine today. work. boo!That's exciting normailed!! mmmmm....doughnuts!! I've been trying to lay off the bad stuff so that sounds REALLY good right about now!I hope everyone enjoys their day!
  • WOOHOO! Normailed you go girl.  I'm soooo excited for you, as if I haven't said it enough.  We got a foster on Sunday, so I've got 3 dogs at home now and FI is away on business!  Go figure so between work and home..i'm ready for bed already and it's only 10:15!
  • Good morning ladies! Yay Normailed!!!! Have a great lunch ~ I think that's awesome that the guys thought of you like that!!! :) Happy Hump Day everyone!!
  • Morning!  Can't believe you only have few days left.  Where are you going to lunch? I'm just working...
  • Morning ladies! I got to sleep in today, in extra 2 hours :) I have an event committee meeting at a store that is closer to me and fi is taking me, yay!! Now the weekend can't come soon enough since I have awesome plans. I hope everyone has an awesome hump day. Normailed~have a great time today, you sound like you have awesome co-workers. I'm positive they will be missing you for a month!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit The Nest!
  • Good MORNING!  That is so great, I am so excited for you!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • OMG! You are wearing the crown!!!!!!!! WOWZERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Copyright Focus Photography by Janel Conlan
    BabyFruit Ticker Life in the Fast Lane :::: The Hall-Ways
  • Good Morning/Afternoon =)This is the last Wednesday I have to work until Nov. 18th! Woohoo! I'm off at 1p so I'm planning on getting a few WR things done this afternoon. Yesterday after work the 4 other ladies I work with took me out for Mexican food and drinks. It was a blast.Normailed~ Have fun at lunch =)Tracy~ I just noticed your ticker is in weeks now...woohoo!Have a great Wednesday everyone!!
  • Um, I can't believe you're leaving in a week! It's FINALLY your turn! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you.
  • Sounds like you have a fun day planned! Yay! :) Enjoy it, you deserve it girl!
  • Morning! Can't believe you only have few days left. Where are you going to lunch? We went to a Mexican restaurant called Plaza Garibaldi in front of the mall here. I had an awesome time!
  • Remember, you're in my old stomping grounds.  I know it well!  Glad you had fun.Have you had any MD crabcakes yet?  If not, after our weddings, I'll take you for the best in the state.
  • I have that means we have a date! =)
  • Watch out, I'll be a married woman!  Looking forward to it.  When will you be back in Maryland?  I get back on the 13th.
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