Destination Weddings Discussions

My diaper is hardcore! - and other randomness

OMG, was anyone else watching Grey's Anatomy last night?  The diaper speech from Lexi was cracking my sh!t UP!!  Also, I'm going to NYC tomorrow!  I swear it was just 6 weeks ago when FI told me that he booked the trip.  I can't wait for this excellent excuse to party all weekend.  :)  Any suggestions of places to go/see are much appreciated!And lastly, I'm sick of all the rain!  Right now I'm in my office with my shoes propped up in front of a space heater and my socks hanging out of a desk drawer to air dry.  These are the times when an extra pair of shoes would come in handy!Obviously none of that was wedding related, but I just had to share some silliness.  :)/randomness

Re: My diaper is hardcore! - and other randomness

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