Destination Weddings Discussions

For those with no bridal party...

Do you guys find that one of the questions everyone seems to ask is "who are your bridesmaid?" and then when you say you aren't having any, they seem shocked? lol

Re: For those with no bridal party...

  • Yea...that has happened to me a few times! LOL. People look at me crazy when I say we aren't having a bridal party.
  • We have a wedding party, but they are not coming And I have a guy as my MOH too, so I get double looks :)
    A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010
  • We're having a bridal party, however, we're not designating any one specific person to be the "Maid of Honor" or "Best Man"....... we decided that they all mean just as much to us as each other do and they're all playing important roles in our special day!!! This is where sometimes people get weird on us and say..."You don't have a Best Man??" Ha!!
  • Yeah - we just explain to them that we went to a wedding a few years ago where it was just the couple up there and it was awesome so that's why - plus we didn't want the added stress or expense for our friends and guests to have to buy dresses/suits, gifts, etc.
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  • Actually, no.  That's happened maybe once or twice but most people seem to understand.
  • I have 3 people on my side, and 2 people on FI's side, and people seem shocked that we only have 5. I think that's a lot, personally. Plus my brother is one on my side, and people are shocked about that - they just don't get it. I'm always like - Well, he's my brother and my only sibling. If he were my sister then of course she would be in WP and no one would think twice. The fact that he's a boy plays no part in my decision, and doesn't change his sibling-ness.
  • I have gotten the bridal party....just u 2 standing there, I'm like YES LOL!!!! All i need is me and my husband 2 be.   I didnt want to worry about bridemaids and maid of honors, and I didnt want them to worry about it either.  I just want everyone to come out and enjoy our wedding day.
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  • my fiance's mom keeps trying to suggest people to stand up with us. I think it bugs her that no one will be up there! lol They seem to be concerned with who is going to be the witnesses... lol
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