Destination Weddings Discussions

TK Poll

1) How long have you been on TK?2)How long after getting engage did you join?3)When is your wedding date?4) Tell us something you like about TK

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New Married Blog
Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker ~Pamela&Steven~6.25.2011~PuntaCana,DR~ image

Re: TK Poll

  • 1.for like a year just browsing, but regularly 6 months now.2.the next day. I was waiting to get engage before becoming a regular here.3.4/16/20114. The DW board gals, and all the neat ideas :-))

    Wedding Bio

    New Married Blog
    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker ~Pamela&Steven~6.25.2011~PuntaCana,DR~ image
  • 1. Hmm... since January 2009.2. Right away, I was in Paris and I was online looking around at stuff when I couldn't sleep one night, stumbled on TK, and joined right away.3. January 8, 20104. I love my DW ladies! :) To be honest... I haven't actually found many "inspirations" on TK itself. I've found way more from the ladies here.
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? About 5 months, wish I would have found this wonderful DW board before my STD's would have been much easier!! 2)How long after getting engage did you join? About 6 weeks 3)When is your wedding date? 3/31/10 4) Tell us something you like about TK- All of the amazing ladies of the DW board!!
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? FOREVER!! LOL, no really, since March 082)How long after getting engage did you join? I was already a member of TK before I got engaged b/c I had joined when my BFF got married back in 05. But I didn't start posting on DW board until after I got engaged last May (2008). I had already been lurking on DW for a couple months before he proposed though.3)When is your wedding date? November 16th!! Whoo hoo! 11 days!4) Tell us something you like about TK-I like that I am able to be a part of this board too! I think the DW board has been one of the most helpful things I could ever ask for!
  • Ok. I just realized 1 & 2 are probably confusing.I became a member of TK in 2005. I started lurking on DW in March 08, started posting on DW in May 08. :o)
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? Over a year.2)How long after getting engage did you join? Days.3)When is your wedding date? December 1, 20104) Tell us something you like about TK? I get tons of good advise and all the girls on this board can relate to the excitement of getting married!
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? maybe about three months 2)How long after getting engage did you join? about two months 3)When is your wedding date? Dec 8, 2009 4) Tell us something you like about TK the boards!
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? a little less than 2 years2)How long after getting engage did you join? 2 months3)When is your wedding date? December 10, 2009 baby!4) Tell us something you like about TK The bios.  I seriously can't get enough of them. 
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? sheesh I have no idea...I know I was here a month or so before Katy left.....I know that by the time we get marrie we will have been engaged over 2 years!2)How long after getting engage did you join? I joined right away to get idea, but it was a while before I found this board.3)When is your wedding date? 5/15/20104) Tell us something you like about TK - The DW board!
    New bio with helpful info for DW knotties!
    Ashley & Josh ~ The Reef Resort ~ Grand Cayman~ May 15th 2010
  • 1) How long have you been on TK?  I joined TK in Spring '08 before we were engaged2)How long after getting engage did you join?  I started posting on the DW board a few weeks after we got engaged in July '08.3)When is your wedding date?  It was 10/21.  Two weeks ago yesterday!4) Tell us something you like about TK.  All my lovely new friends :)
  • 1) How long have you been on TK? A year 2)How long after getting engage did you join? I joined the day after we got engaged, but I didn't find DW until a few weeks later 3)When is your wedding date? 5-15-2010 4) Tell us something you like about TK: My DW girls of course, but I also love the Trash to Treasure board...and the bios.
  • Ashley and Alison, you gals are date twins yaayyyy. Did you know that?....I just realized it woohoo!

    Wedding Bio

    New Married Blog
    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker ~Pamela&Steven~6.25.2011~PuntaCana,DR~ image
  • 1. I have been a member since 2006 I believe... long story short FI was going to join the military we were going to get married.  Well he has pins in his ankle so the didn't want him.... so we "held off" until we were both more ready which is fine.  At 18 I don't think I would've been ready to be a wife!2. So I was a member before but didnt start posting til almost 3 months after I got engaged3. May 22,20104. I LOVE you girls here on the DW wedding board! No one here understands what it is like to plan a wedding so far away.  I wouldnt stay sain without!
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