Destination Weddings Discussions

Boys are so silly

We sent our STDs out a 4months ago. FI asked all his friends for their addresses and let them know to expect a STD and even put all the details of the wedding in the email (time, date, location, etc). Two months ago all our guests received an email with travel agent information, hotel information, reminders to get passports, etc. One month ago the same people got the same email as above. Yet, for some reason two of his friends were convinced they weren't invited because they didn't receive the STDs. Um, they received a few emails about it, plus a facebook message. The two friends ended up complaining to my BM about not being invited. So FI had to call them and let them know that yes, they are in fact invited. Sorry so long! :) I just don't understand boys sometimes.
Meghan and Jonny- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - May 1, 2010
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Re: Boys are so silly

  • Oh boys!  I hope you get their addresses so they won't panic when they don't get the paper invites in the mail.One of fi's friends called him up because his ex girlfriend received her STD before he did and he thought he hadn't been invited.  And the reason why he hadn't gotten his STD yet was because he lives hours away and his ex lives 15 minutes from us.  So silly.
  • hahaha boys are so stupid sometimes!Glad it got worked out though :)
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