Destination Weddings Discussions

AW: 2 months!!

HOLY COW... our wedding is now 2 months away. I feel like I'm in "the big leagues" now... things are serious now, lol. I really need to start getting some things finished.On another note: FMIL asked me again yesterday when we're "really"getting married. Oh she can just bite me. Seriously, get over it.

Re: AW: 2 months!!

  • Woohooo... just 2 months.Forget her... are you guys going to tell people when you get marry or are you just keeping it a secret?

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  • Whoa....what's this "when are you really getting married" business?  Rude!Anyways, congrats on being 2 months away lady!
  • So exciting! :) Yay for 2 months!!
  • YAY! Believe me when I say it's going to FLY by!  Especially with the holidays!Don't you just love FILs?  Or mothers for that matter!
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    BabyFruit Ticker Life in the Fast Lane :::: The Hall-Ways
  • That is awesome!!!  As for FMIL.  Just tell her your already really married...LOL.  See what she does.
  • Yay!  Two months!  Do you have a lot left to do? You should probably add "swift kick to FMIL's behind" to your list.  :)
  • Yay Sarah!!! :) woot woot. What else do you have left to do? We are so close. I love having an almost date twin!! Let me know if you wanna talk about any of your checks or compare notes ;) Oh FMIL's...they can be so nosy sometimes eh? I like pp's idea...tell her you're already married and watch the reaction :) haha. So not to be annoying, but what are you guys planning on doing? Legal in Mexico, or JOP before/after YOUR "REAL" WEDDING? whoops sorry haha just makes me mad when people think our DW's are any less of a "traditional wedding". I mean come on, its the day we have all dreamed of and planned, all the important people we want are there and when we exhange vows and rings etc. To me it is my "Real wedding"...phew. sorry vent over ;) We are doing our "legal ceremony" here in a few weeks before the craziness of December starts. We aren't making a big deal of it, just going to a park near our new place and having 2 close friends be witnesses.
  • Melissa - we are getting legally married here, I'm not sure when - definitely before we leave, it will sometime in December. Honestly I'm so sick of hearing FMIL complain about it, I'm almost ready to cave and do a ceremony at JOP even though that is not what FI & I want.Our plan was/is to just get the license (like any other couple getting married at home) and have FI's aunt simply SIGN the papers saying we're married, because she's ordained. We don't want to exchange vows, we want to save that and do it the first time in Mexico, in front of our nearest & dearest. You would think FMIL would get that and be happy,  but Nooooo.As far as checks - one big thing I need to do is the OOT bags, including welcome letters, and a wedding day time-line. There are a million other things to do, but that one is really nagging at me right now.
  • CONGRATS CONGRATS!!  So excitin! :)
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