Destination Weddings Discussions

Where to start?

My fiance and I decided to have a destination wedding in Aruba but we were so unsure where to start. He did not even have a passport! We were not sure if we were dealing with gunuinely nice people at the hotels we were contacting or if they just cared about the money we were bringing in. How do youplan a wedding having never seen the venue?  Some of the people invited have some medical issues and I hope this isnt selfish but I did not want to spend the entire time there worrying about everyone else! I mean should I be the one checking that everyone has a passprt or plane reservations or getting transportation from the airport? For wanting to make our life more simple it seemed like we were complicating the heck out of it even more!!!!!! Than my fiance suggested a wedding planner! This is why I love the man, it was the best idea I think hes had in the two years we have been togethor :). We met with a few diffrent people but I think I actually fell in love with Karin from Cinderella4aday. The first time we sat down with her I knew she was the one for us! I am posting this little bit of info up here for all of the destination brides to be who are feeling beyond stressed!!!! Cinderella4aday is the way to go! We will be in Aruba for 8 days so that we have time after the wedding to enjoy and Karin and one of her girls will be there the first couple of days available to us the entire time! Its so nice to let the planner worry about the bulk of stuff I am not longer trying to figure out the time diffrence when i have to set up a meeting with the hotel manager or florist or anything. Cinderella4aday is a god send and I know karin and her team will make our wedding in december go off with out a hitch!
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