I am going to consider this my last post although I am probably going to post again before the week is out and also because we are already at our destination.
Before I marry my BFF on Thursday, i would like to thank everyone on the board. When ladies say this board is the best, it really and truly is. I remember posting for the very first time and the ladies here told me to AW myself with the story of my engagement. Well I didn't know what AW meant so I had to google it. Once I posted my story, I was family.
I have made some get friends and plan on keeping in touch with them after the wedding. I don't think that I could have made it where I am without you ladies. Everyone is so supportive and helpful; from everyone helping to figure out where to have the wedding to Jenn understanding about the whole XH thing to Kimmy helping me with finding my long lost brother, plus all of the DIY insipration from Britt, Jen, and Sam. I thank all of you plus everyone else I didn't mention.
For the newbies, keep hanging around here, you will have an endless supply of support and friendship.
For the lurkers, come out and play. I was the second best decision ever...the first being getting together with FI.