Destination Weddings Discussions

Pup Update!

First off, thank you all for the kind words.  You girls are truly amazing and I really, really appreciate it!

Secondly, I don't know how people handle children with problems, I'd be a nervous wreck all the time.  Today has probably been one of the hardest days for me because I just didn't know what was going on.  I give so much credit to people who lose their children or have children with special needs...I always understood the struggles, but never in full effect until now (Yes, I often compare my dog to children)

So, we just got home..he did have a small seizure.  Apparently it's more normal then I thought.  Beagles are a breed that its more common in to (way to go Kayla!).  At this point, since he's only had one and it's been a minor one, there isn't much to do.  We could do blood work to make sure all that is okay, but we didn't feel it was necessary at this point.  So that is good news!  The vet made me (us, FI has been so freaking amazing over all of this!) feel so much better and not to be worried, as much, over this.

Thank you again ladies for all of your kind words and thoughts, I really appreciate it!
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