Destination Weddings Discussions

Just another Manic Monday, (aka Good Morning)

Good Morning Everyone!!!  How is everyone's Monday going so far?  Mine isn't bad.  It really isn't manic at all.  FI and I managed to get up a few minutes early and get to work on time.  Yay for us!!  We signed up for a new gym on Sunday.  We are going back to Planet Fitness which is where we used to work out.  I really wasn't happy at the gym we were going to before so I never wanted to go.  I am hoping changing gyms will spark something in me.  I am also hoping that by going to the gym tonight, I will lose a few inches in the hip/butt region so my dress fits tomorrow at my dress fitting.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  lol.
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Re: Just another Manic Monday, (aka Good Morning)

  • Good morning! I was sick on Friday so I am SLAMMED at work today... won't be on here much lol
    Hope you're all having a good day :)
  • Another Monday comes too fast! I wasn't ready for my weekend to be over.
    Jay and I relaxed and watched a movie on Friday night, which was wonderful since our weeks were both so busy. Saturday we went to see 'Ted' with a couple friends, and I honestly can't remember when I laughed that hard at a movie. Yesterday I met up with my brother and nieces and it was good fun. Played hide and go seek, and just hung out.

    I hope today goes fast, all I want to do is hang out with Jay!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Last minute planning and errands before we leave for our honeymoon!!  And we got some water in our basement this weekend, so I'm waiting for our builder to call back and get us a quick fix before we go.  And hoping the ground stays wet enough all day to cancel my ball game tonight.  I could use the night off!!

  • Good Morning!

    Work is super busy today but it's already noon so I hope the rest of the day flys by!  Tonight is FI and I first night to go insane aka we are beginning our Insanity workout...we will take our before pics tonight and I want to take progress pics every 2 weeks.  FI wants to lose weight and inches, I just want to tone up and not lose any weight, just some inches around the belly, all those years eating nachos all I want finally caught up to me lol!  Wish us luck!!

    Have a great day ladies!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Lunch time so I can swing on here again to say hello to you lovely ladies. Going out for dinner tonight with a couple that FI and I are friends with, and while in town going to try searching again for an outfit for my shower this Saturday :)
  • Hi All!
    It has been a crazy Monday so far - I can't believe it is already 1pm!!

    FI and I have a list of 8 places gathered and tonight we are going to email the remaining 5 that we haven't contacted yet. I'm going to google map a route to see if we could manage to see them all in one weekend -- which I'm doubting cause some are in Temecula and others are in Sonoma -- so I'm guessing we will be doing 2 weekends - wooho. ha

    It's also over 100 here again - I thought we were done with this craziness.
  • I was SOOOOO TIRED this morning. I literally crawled up in a ball and set my alarm for 8 minutes later. It was actually pretty pathetic. Classes all day here. Nothing to do backflips over!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • UGGG MONDAY!!! work was work the usual stresses.  left early @ 3 for dr.s appointment gotta get my health together and stop procrastinating nothing faboulous today working on save the dates tonight. Ordered some sample papers.  Happy Monday Ladies
  • Hi ladies!
    Today was INSANE at work, and I agree with Stef, this weekend went wayyyy too fast.

    One the plus side, the day being so crazy made me even MORE ready and excited for our wedding/vacation!

    Our invites came in the mail today so i need to do a couple mockups to make sure they all look ok, but not sure if it'll get done tonight or not. We'll see!

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