Destination Weddings Discussions

Honduras advice

We're hoping to get married in Honduras, but I just can't find any info about WP's there or venues or churches or ANYTHING. Any advice?

Re: Honduras advice

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    I don't know anything about getting married there, but I have been to the island of Roatan (not sure on the exact spelling) in Honduras.   It was absolutely one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.  Gorgeous resorts and beaches with unbelievable scuba diving opportunities.  I know travel to Honduras and specifically to the island can be a bit difficult, which was one of the only reasons we did not choose it for our wedding.  Good luck with you research!
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    I know someone who got married there but I believe it was a stop on a cruise.
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    edited April 2010
    Check out this site:

    Towards the bottom, there are a couple of links to resorts. Seems like the isle of Roatan might be the main place for resorts in Honduras. I've been to mainland Honduras on business, and this might not be a fair representation of the country as a whole, but I've never feared more for my personal safety than I did while in Honduras. It was pretty corrupt and decrepit. I have no desire to go back there.
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    We also stopped in Roatan on a cruise and although we had a lot of fun, it is a VERRRRRRY poor country!  There were all sorts of mangy stray dogs running loose everywhere we went.  The kids were so scrawny and poorly dressed - my heart just broke.  I know they rely on tourism there to support themselves so a wedding there wouldn't cost you much, I'm willing to bet.  Just be forewarned that it IS a 3rd world country and what they have to offer/their idea of a wedding is probably far from what you have in mind. 

    Have you checked out requirements for Honduras?  Blood tests, translations, residency, etc?

    Belize was even more beautiful (IMO) and probably a bit safer for your guests.  Maybe check a few places there?
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