Destination Weddings Discussions

Hey Ladies!

Where is everyone?  It's been so quiet on here lately!  What's everyone up to? Any exciting wedding stuff happening for anyone? 

We leave in 13 days!  This weekend I am hoping to figure out exactly what I want to pack as far as clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.  I hope to have everything done by next Friday so that we can have a few relaxing days before we leave!
Until we say 'I DO'! Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Hey Ladies!

  • You're so close! That is sooo exciting! My bridal shower was on Sunday, which was awesome. All the attention and fuss gave me my first "OMG, I'm a Bride" feeling. FI ordered his "beach tux". Things are coming together! We're leaving tonight to see FI's family in ND. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
  • Trudy - yay!! so exciting :)

    I've been browsing through invites to find one I like. We went bridesmaid dress shopping - found a SUPER cute option that everyone like and that had the same "feel" as my dress only to find out it didn't come in anything even CLOSE to what I was thinking of for colors. bummer. Found a good second option - it is cute and has pockets which the girls love. It doesn't have quite the same feel but comes in a great color. We'll look around at a couple more places after the holiday to see if we can find anything better - At least we know what to look for now!

    We are off to Chicago this afternoon - celebrated thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago with the family already so FI and I are just going to enjoy the long weekend!!

  • So excited for you trudy!!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • How exciting Trudy!! Jenny and Sara safe travels!! Looking at reception dresses. Everyone wants me to wear my wedding dress or at least a white dress but Idk I think both may be weird since we are married already. Now I am debating on doing the free decoration package and bringing our own chair sashes but nt sure how well those would travel but I feel dumb spending 400 dollars on the package. We will see tho. I have four lunches/dinners to go to tomorrow it will be Interesting. Have a great turkey day everyone!!
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