Destination Weddings Discussions

KK Funds Update

Realised that although we had a great discussion about all this I never actually posted anywhere until today what the final outcome of it was.... Oops lol

There will still be a KK fund in the event that I do need to rush one out to make sure that no one that is looking forward to this tradition gets disappointed. This fund will comprise of donations and maintain a fairly low balance (just like $20 to cover emergency shipping). If these funds are needed and used I will report on here what they were used on, what was used, and then we can replenish the fund again with donations in the event that it is needed again someday.

I'm not saying that this will be needed due to stolen KKs per say, but things happen and if, for example, there's an issue with the mail, I want to be able to make sure no one misses out on this :)

At this time I am not sure where the fund stands exactly, but once I have an exact amount I will update everyone as to where it stands and if we do need donations to get it going!

Thanks to everyone, but those planning their weddings and all the old marrieds for your support on getting this all sorted out and  going again :) I appreciate all the kind words!
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