STAYING on top of your $hit! In every aspect of life....
I've always been a bit of a scatter brain, and I'm not the best at keeping the house all neat and tidy 24/7. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge slob, but there's soooo much room for improvement, and I'm well aware of this. I'm bad about taking stuff out and not putting it back, taking 5 days to complete 2 loads of laundry, stuff like that... I take it REALLY personally and get extremely offended when my FI says anything about the condition of the house. He definitely never says anything demeaning and certainly doesn't mean to offend me, but just little comments here and there about how WE need to clean up (by we, I know he means me haha!). So, I told him I had bought a Groupon a while ago for 3 cleaning sessions. This morning, he randomly said, soooooo - any idea when you're gonna cash in on that cleaning groupon? But, of course, I heard it as .... Emily, you have let this house get completely disgusting, you suck and life and are going to be the worst wife ever.
((( I'm very hard on myself, I know! I want more than anything to be like my bff who is just SOOO put together. She never has a bunch of crap build up b/c, when there's something that needs to be done, she does it. Right then and there! I definitely put stuff off and forget about it... I'm trying to get better, not just to please my FI, but to feel better about myself!
So, that is my New Years Resolution!!! I called my mom pretty upset this morning and she told me about this website that teaches you how to get de-cluttered in baby steps. I thought it was pretty cool. Just in case there are others out there like me, I thought I'd share! for listening to me ramble! Also - any advice on how you stay "put together" would be totally appreciated!!