Our wedding is three weeks from tomorrow, and I am definitely feeling the nerves! Our BIG Annual Luncheon @ work is happening on June 10th (my 2nd to last day of work) so I feel like I am getting it from both sides. If I make it to that plane, I will
so need that vacation :P Sounds like I'm not the only one getting close and worried today...
I've ramped up the wedding productivity - in the last week we:
-bought FI ring
-got FI suit altered
-went for 1st fitting for TTD alterations for me
-purchased FI TTD outfit (khaki linen pants, white linen shirt - cheap @ Kohls)
-bought FI sandals for wedding
-received our cake topper and fans in the mail
-printed and assembled the AHR invites (and got HALF of them out)
-finished our website for AHR guests
-Oh and my B-Party was this weekend! My "honorary" MOH did a fantastic job!
And it freaks me out to mention all I have to do, so I won't start that list! I've really missed being on the board for the last week so here's my attempt to jump back in